PEPA Conference 2023 Tickets Now Available!

Tickets are now available to buy for the 3rd Annual PEPA Conference – here is the link but you can also book direct through the PEPA website –

PEPA has held successful conferences for Energy Assessors since 2018, with excellent feedback from delegates. Both domestic and non-domestic assessors have attended past events, both virtual and in-person.

Delegates will be able to submit questions throughout the day - those that are not answered during the conference will be addressed after the event and the answers published on the PEPA website.

Up to 4 hours CPD available.

This will be a virtual event and delegates just need to register and pay.  Further details and an agenda will be sent nearer the time.

The 3rd online PEPA Conference will include sessions on ECO4 & ECO+, The Energy Bill, RdSAP and SBEM and will take place on April 19th 2023.


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